November 25, 2018



Rachel Kurien

Lap band surgery is proven to be a highly effective way of losing weight especially if you are extremely obese and want to lose weight your doctor might recommend you for a lap band which is essentially an adjustable band that is wrapped around the top portion of the stomach. This restricts the amount of food you body can take the body draws its energy from the reserves of fat in the body. This is the only adjustable weight loss surgery and it is a reversible surgery. The individual has a feeling of satiety after eating half cup of food. Hence making it easier for the individual to lose weight by lowering food intake, choosing foods that are easier to digest and have lesser calories.

The advantages of this surgery over other forms of surgery such as gastric bypass and gastric sleeve are numerous as it is adjustable the doctor can effectively control the amount of food you eat by tightening or loosening the band. Other benefits of this surgery are it is minimally invasive when performed laparoscopically it results in shorter hospital stay, reduced appetite, lesser scars and lesser pain than a traditional surgery.


This surgery is recommended only for patients who have attempted and failed at all other methods of losing weight such as dieting and exercise. A person with a BMI of 35 and above is considered extremely obese is recommended for this surgery, individuals who are very obese and have obesity related issues can also choose to undergo this surgery. Bariatric surgery is not an easy option for severely obese patients and is considered as an extreme measure to lose weight.

The process of lap band surgery is as follows the adjustable band wrapped around the stomach; it is filled with a saline solution that places pressure on the outside of your stomach when significant weight loss has been accomplished the band will be deflated and can be adjusted to the improvements made by the patient.

The laparoscopic procedure called as lap band surgery is done by a small incision made near the belly button in which a laparoscope is inserted which sends images to a high resolution monitor. This surgery cannot be seen as an immediate solution to lose weight as strict guidelines make the process of sustained weight loss difficult. Patients have to make changes in their diet and lifestyle in order to get the maximum benefits of this surgery.

This article describes the advantages and benefits that

lap band surgery


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