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How To Potty Train Your New Puppy
Scott Lipe
Potty training a puppy is a task that requires time and a lot of patience, there will be accidents. Choose areas that you are happy for the puppy to use as a toilet and place newspaper or mat there. Whenever your puppy appears to need the toilet take it to the area and wait with it, you can use short encouraging phrases if you wish. When the puppy starts to go then use a short phrase, or single word, which will become their toilet instruction. When they have completed the task, successfully, tell them how clever they have been and make a fuss of them. It can be helpful to place a dog urine scent on the paper. To achieve this is fairly easy. When the puppy wets the carpet or floor and you sponge it up, just wipe the cloth onto the paper. This should have the effect that when needing to relieve itself the puppy will smell the scent and think ahh dog wee this seems a good place to go.
As with all puppy training it is important to remember that praise is essential when a task is done correctly, toileting is no exception. When the puppy toilets in an acceptable place give them plenty of fuss and attention. Never get upset or angry, this will only confuse and upset the puppy.
If there are accidents, and there will be, then take the puppy to the site of the misdeed and show them you are not happy, a simple NO in a calm quiet but stern voice will normally suffice. Clean up the mess and take it to where you wish the puppy had gone. Place it down and say in a quiet kind voice this is good and stroke the puppy. Do not manhandle the puppy, if necessary put it on a lead to do this. Never shout as this will upset the puppy and will be counterproductive. Having said that it may be an idea to make sure the puppy sees what you are unhappy with and maybe tie it, on a lead, near to the accident for a minute or two. If you do this you should leave the room, do not continue to moan at the puppy as they will not understand.
If you leave a puppy for any length of time they will probably have a mishap, so if you need to leave them make sure it is in an area that is easy to clean and, deny access to other parts of the house. If it is safe to do so then leave them in the garden or yard. If you have left a puppy for several hours and you arrive back to a mess then just clean it up and do not chastise the dog, it is not their fault, they are a puppy and cannot hold on, for hours on end.
Whilst you are at home with the puppy then try to spend as much time with it as possible, looking out for signs that toileting is required. This may be circling or sniffing the floor, you will get used to the sign your puppy has quite quickly. When you feel it is time then take the puppy to their toilet area and praise them when they go.
Often you may find that you have successfully potty trained the puppy and some time later they have an accident in the house. Do not get angry just use the same criteria you use when first training them and it will all be fine again soon.
For more information on more Dog Training methods and Teacup Puppies for sale including Yorkies, Chihuahuas and Morkies Please visit my websites below.
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