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You were dressed and ready for the date, but you boyfriend walked in and broke your heart. Instead of being out on a fun date, you are sitting alone, stunned and crying. When he told you he needed a break, you couldn’t believe it was happening. Now you are wondering why he needed a break and what you can do to get him back.
When your boyfriend needs a break, you are stunned but soon you will be angry. How could he do this to you? Then you vow to make him say he is sorry. You might begin to think of all of the things you can do to hurt him. Like dating his best friend, but that will only end your relationship for good. Before you do anything like that you had better be sure you want the relationship to be over.
There are several reasons your boyfriend might feel he needs a break. Two usually stand out above any others:
1. He is hurt by something you said or did.
Men do not show their emotions like women do. If your boyfriend had offended you in some way, you most likely would cry and lash out at him. A man will just walk away and goes somewhere to sulk. The length of time it takes him to get over it will depend on what you did.
2. He wants to check out the field
When you try too hard to please your man, it can make him start taking you for granted. He becomes bored with seeing the same people and going to the same places. This makes him wonder what else might be out there that he might be missing. He tells you he needs a break because he does not want to completely cut all ties to you.
When your boyfriend says he needs a break, no matter what the reason, your best course of action is to give him the break and not try to talk him out of it. But you can’t just sit at home and wait for him to call either. He is probably going to go out and have a good time, so why shouldn’t you? If you want him back, you have to show him you do not intend to be his backup girlfriend or a friend with benefits.
If he is still in love with you, it won’t take long before he realizes that you might be ready to move on. Thinking he could lose you will change things around and he will be the one that is shocked. You will not be doing what he expected and this will make him confused. The break he thought would be a lot of fun has turned into a nightmare for him.
Soon he will be trying to contact you again, but don’t be easy. Tell him you are enjoying yourself and think his idea of taking a break is great. It won’t be long before you will hear him say he is sorry and all he wants is you.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/relationship-articles/breakups-separation-articles/when-he-says-he-needs-break-expert-tips-make-him-say-he-sorry-426558.html
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If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful SiteAuthor: Hal Archer