May 22, 2024

Hanging Vaginal Lips: What you need to know

The term ‘hanging vaginal lips‘ refers to a condition formally known as labial hypertrophy, where the labia minora (inner lips of the vagina) are longer than the labia majora (outer lips). This is a natural variation in female genitalia and does not denote any health issues. However, like penis enhancement, it may affect sexual satisfaction and self-esteem due to aesthetic concerns.

Everyone’s genitals are unique. Some women may have larger outer lips while others may have tiny ones. The same applies to the inner lips or labia minora. In some women, the inner lips may protrude or ‘hang’ beyond the outer lips, causing what is often referred to as ‘hanging vaginal lips’. This is a completely normal variation in anatomy, but those uncomfortable with this can opt for procedures to alter its appearance.

The vagina’s appearance might cause discomfort for some women, but self-acceptance alongside understanding the spectrum of normal anatomic variety might contribute significantly to alleviating such concerns. Similar to how some men may opt for procedures such as penis enhancement revision procedure Beverly Hills, to alter their genitals, treatments like labiaplasty can be considered by women who wish to alter the size of their labia minora.

Why do some women have hanging vaginal lips?

The size and shape of the labia minora can be affected by a range of factors including genetics, childbirth, age, and hormonal changes. Just like other physical features, the appearance of the vagina varies greatly among women. The wide range of normal is crucial to understand when considering any operative alterations.

Is there a medical need to alter hanging vaginal lips?

Typically, there is no medical need to alter the size of the labia minora. Some women, however, might experience physical discomfort during sexual activity, sports or when wearing tight clothing. In such circumstances, surgical procedures like labiaplasty are available and are growing in popularity. Just like with a penis enhancement revision procedure Beverly Hills, a qualified medical professional should be consulted to discuss any risks, alternatives, and to ensure patient-centered care.

Labiaplasty and other treatments

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to alter the size and shape of the labia minora. It is typically performed under local or general anesthesia and can take around 1-2 hours to complete. Recovery time varies, but most women can return to regular activities within a week.

Labiaplasty is not dissimilar to the penis enhancement revision procedure Beverly Hills in its objective of altering genital appearance. Both procedures have the primary goal of achieving a desired physical appearance that matches the patient’s perception of normal, reinforcing the idea that ‘normal’ is subjective when it comes to genital size and shape.


Hanging vaginal lips or labial hypertrophy is part of the wide range of normal variation in female genitalia. Understanding this variety and self-acceptance are key to dispelling any myths and anxiety surrounding this topic. If physical discomfort or emotional distress is experienced due to the appearance of one’s genitals, it is recommended to have a discussion with a qualified medical professional who can provide advice on the best course of action, be it labiaplasty or a penis enhancement revision procedure Beverly Hills.