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By Norberto Narciso
Being an Online Marketer myself, I am amazed by what I have observed among my fellow online marketers on how they spent so much money on list building… with no profitable results.
A little soul-searching and focus are needed on what and how it should be done to be effective. Only then you will be getting the results that you wanted.
Failure to realize these mistakes will surely lead to dissapointments and frustrations along the way.
Here they are;:
1. No clear vision on what needs to be done
This is due to information overload. Most of the time when I am attending a live seminars for online business, it is a very common sight that the hosts will be selling their products to the audience. Most of my friends will rush through the line with the intention to buy. I normally ask them, how many products you have purchased similar to this one? The common answer is, “certainly this is not my first and neither this is my last”.
2. Believing that once your website is published online, tons of visitors will just come
This is a serious mistake that happens especially to most beginners. But I can not blame them, as I myself being one of them when I started. Sometimes you are led to believe by some Gurus that an online business is just a “click of computer mouse” and you will make much money. This is far from the truth especially when you are a beginner in online business.
3. Website does not have a “call for an action” to capture the visitors information
This is a big waste. You’ve just spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars to build your website but no options included to capture the visitor’s relevant information (usually, first name and email address). Youve got to make sure that is included in your website, otherwise your online list building effort will just go down the drain, and so is your money.
4. Being nave that the visitor will give what you are looking for without getting something in return
In the old days, the business owner might be perceived as the King and the Customer might be under his mercy. But the reverse is true in today’s digital age. Relationship building is the key in today’s business climate. You’ve got to give in something preferably for free, in order to take something in return (name and email address) from your visitors.
5. Knowledge limitation in Traffic sources
This is a heavily guarded information in online business, believe it or not. Traffic is the “life-blood” of the online business. Therefore, it is very important to know the basic sources of traffic which you can tap for the survival of your online business. Without good stock of knowledge in Traffic sources, your online business will not progress as it should.
6. Lack of commitment
This is very common for beginners especially when they realized that the perceived easy business, is actually not an easy one! When disappointments are evident, they start to slow down and look for another online business. You need to be committed to finish what you have started and make it successful before switching for another online business. Mastery is the key.
Article marketing has many advantages that you can imagine, especially for beginners. Though writing is not everybodys cup of tea, but at least a free or cheaper option in traffic generation exists. I hate writing myself at the beginning but you will never know what will happen after seeing your first complete written article. In my case, it opens up another hobby and a chance to help someone in online business with interest in Article Marketing.
If you want to learn more or just simply advance your knowledge about Article Marketing, make sure to visit this link, http://e-profitablewritingsystem.com/.
It could be the solution that you are looking for in Article Marketing niche. Check it out the link indicated and thank me later on.
If you have any questions about Article Marketing, I can be reach at ntnarciso@gmail.com.
To your success!
About the Author: Make sure to visit this link to learn more and enhance your knowledge on
Artilce Marketing
Norberto has been an Online Marketer since 2010 and owns a number of Niche websites on List Building, Traffic Generation, Article Marketing, Dynamic Productivity, Ideal Fitness System & Riches with Rentals. Can be reach for comments, inquiries and discussions on related matters at ntnarciso@gmail.com.
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